about drifting spirits

to help make things a little brighter

the world has gone a bit wrong. it seems like we're all pulled away from where we need to be and who we really are, and we’re all suffering because of it. through my art, i hope to help people find a little place of peace, happiness, contentment, or even joy. something to bring a smile back and help it stay.

i love creating and always get excited to see how pieces turn out, what character and feeling they carry with them. i truly believe that each little one that comes through my hands is alive, a spirit being manifest in our world.

i put a huge focus on using the most natural materials i can, from natural clays and non-toxic glazes to organic wool and cotton, ecological / ethical hemp to biodegradable latex glue. i believe that it's absolutely possible to have a beautiful, fulfilled life while keeping it as natural as possible.

i make the art that opens my heart, that helps me to remember that i am more than the stress of this world would have me believe. i hope that it does the same for you.

and as for me, i’m a lover of nature and simple things who hopes to help the world find peace and joy. a gardener, surfer, artist, writer, reader of books. a music listener and player, a contemplative soul who thinks too much. earth child, water spirit, air nomad, fire friend.

(to see a little of how it all happens, please click here. this page will be updated from time to time: there's another cat to include after all.)